Childhood wounded by war

Rehabilitation for ukrainian orphans and children affected by war

We live in the 21st century, and words like "children of war" should not be associated with us or our children, but...

On February 24th, war burst into our lives and the lives of our children—a ruthless, cruel, and bloody war. A war that has taken away dreams, hopes, smiles, a happy and carefree childhood, and has divided children's lives into "before" and "after." We must try to restore a normal life for these children, at least partially.

Our team is working to help children regain their psychological well-being and ensure their future social integration.

In partnership with «Eurocamp» we are organizing a 10-day rehabilitation retreat for children aged 6 to 16 who have experienced true hell despite their young age.

Our goal is to create a safe environment where the child can receive psychological support, participate in various extracurricular activities, and relax with their peers.

The rehabilitation program includes therapeutic play, art therapy, therapeutic storytelling, and psychological trainings provided by specialists. The entertainment program includes activities, excursions, swimming pool time, and more.

Since the beginning of the year, we have been able to fund the rehabilitation of 33 children from the areas most affected by the armed conflict in Ukraine: Bachmout, Kherson, and Kharkiv. Unfortunately, there are still thousands left...

We invite you to join our project and become a part of the positive change in the lives of these children. Your donation will help us provide psychological support and facilitate the reconstruction of their lives after the armed conflict.

Together, we can offer children a new hope, a belief in the future, and the opportunity to flourish after the endured suffering. Join us today to create a bright future for the children affected by war in Ukraine.

With our sincere gratitude,
The "Childhood Wounded by War" Project Team